
for the 15th International Conference on Hyaluronan

Online registration and abstract submission is open as of December 1, 2024. Abstracts must
be submitted by February 14, 2025.

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Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Other Sponsors

Abstract Submission Guidelines for HA 2025

  • All registered attendees are encouraged to submit abstracts which may be chosen for a Poster or Short Talk. Registrants can request to be considered for a Poster presentation only.
  • Abstracts will be reviewed on an “as submitted basis” by the HA 2025 Program Committee and you will be contacted upon completion of the review. The committee reserves the right to decline an abstract that is not considered to have scientific merit or falls outside the scientific scope of the program.
  • Instructions for Poster Preparations will be emailed after Abstract acceptance.
  • If selected for a Short talk, presenters should prepare for a 10-minute podium presentation that will be followed by a 5-minute discussion.
  • All accepted abstracts will be published online in the HA 2025 Program & Abstract Book.

Guidelines for Abstract Preparation

  • PAGE LAYOUT: Portrait orientation, 1” (2.5 cm) margins
  • FONT TYPE/SIZE: Times New Roman x 12
  • ABSTRACT LENGTH: Max Word Count 500, including References and Funding Source(s)
  • AUTHORS LISTING: Names with numerical superscript for affiliation
  • LIST OF AFFILIATION: Follow numerical superscript for affiliation
  • PRESENTING AUTHOR: Indicate by a superscript *


DEFINING THE INTERACTOME OF UDP-GLUCOSE DEHYDROGENASE (UGDH) Emily Allego1* , Brenna Zimmer1 , Linlin Ma1 , George Grady1 , Pengda Liu2 , Joseph Barycki1 , Melanie Simpson1 1North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA. 2University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA UDP-glucose dehydrogenase (UGDH) is an essential cytosolic enzyme that catalyzes the NAD+ dependent conversion of UDP-glucose to UDP-glucuronate. UDP-glucuronate cannot be produced by any other human protein except UGDH, and this key metabolite is utilized in three downstream cellular pathways that are compartmentalized. Specifically, the glucuronidation of androgens and xenobiotics occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum, hyaluronan is produced at the plasma membrane, and proteoglycan synthesis is in the Golgi. The partitioning of UDP-glucuronate between these energy demanding pathways necessitates tight regulation of UDP-glucuronate pools. Here, we sought to determine how UGDH regulation through novel protein-protein interactions could impact the fate of UDP-glucuronate using complementary targeted and unbiased approaches. A kinase screen of the UGDH primary sequence revealed several canonical phosphorylation consensus sequences. We pursued a functional screen of the relevant kinase families, and identified and validated one kinase that phosphorylated UGDH at a specific consensus site. We generated phosphodeficient and phosphomimetic point mutants of UGDH and stably expressed them in LNCaP cells, a human prostate tumor cell line, and found significant shifts in the downstream fates of UDP-glucuronate. To identify additional protein-protein interactions that could regulate UGDH, we next created recombinant UGDH point mutants to incorporate an unnatural amino acid at various positions. We synthesized the protein with the photocrosslinker, benzoylphenylalanine (Bpa), which allowed us to photocrosslink UGDH to putative intracellular interacting partners in LNCaP cells. Candidate regulatory proteins that co-immunoprecipitated with UGDH were analyzed by liquid chromatography followed by mass spectrometry. Approximately thirty proteins were found in each UGDH Bpa crosslinked sample. To discriminate and validate which interactions were reliable, we then performed biotin proximity labeling, an in-cell technique to probe the UGDH interactome. We generated a fusion protein of UGDH with BirA, a bacterial biotin protein ligase, that promiscuously biotinylates proteins within a several nanometers of UGDH. Biotin-labeled proteins were isolated from cell lysates through a streptavidin pulldown from LNCaP cells transiently transfected to express BirA-UGDH. Proteomic analysis resulted in the detection of approximately forty proteins from each sample. Comparison of the two datasets allowed us to streamline the validation of genuine UGDH-interacting proteins and determine which interactions impact UGDH function and/or the partitioning of UDP-glucuronate. Novel protein-protein interactions offer new targets for anti-cancer therapeutic development.

Submitting your Abstract

  • You receive a unique link via email for Abstract Submission following your Meeting Registration
  • For questions related to Abstracts, please email us at: abstracts@ishas.org

Oral Presentations

Abstracts selected for oral presentations will be included in one of 10 scheduled sessions during the meeting. Presenters are expected to be live on-site at the Q-Center in St. Charles, IL. Presentations are 10 minutes in length, followed by five minutes of Q&A. Presenters are required to disclose any potential conflicts at the beginning of their presentation.  

Instructions for uploading your presentation to a shared drive in advance of your talk will be provided if your abstract is accepted for an oral presentation.

Poster Presentations

Abstracts that are selected for poster presentation will be assigned one of two sessions for poster presentation during the meeting. Authors must be present during the poster presentation session to which their abstract has been assigned. 

Poster sizes will be announced. 

Please note that “poster” presenters may be invited to give a 1 min overview of their poster during the session preceding the poster presentation. Further instructions will be communicated to the poster presenter after their abstract is accepted and assigned to a poster session.