We have another great season planned for 2022/23. Here are just a few of the upcoming presentations:

September 12: Representatives from the Westport Country Playhouse, Play with Your Food, and the Quick Center will participate in a panel describing recent experiences and will present a preview of plans for Fall 2022 as we all look forward to the opportunity to experience live performances again.

October 10: Dr. David Chevan and his musical partner, Warren Byrd, will describe their work in developing the “Afro-Semitic Experience.” This combines David’s performance as a bassist with Warren’s performance as a pianist as they oscillate between Jewish themes adapted to a jazz setting and more clearly jazz-focused work.

October 24: Norwalk Symphony Orchestra’s Jonathan Yates, Music Director and Conductor, and Sandra Miklave, Executive Director, will describe their vision for the Orchestra and plans for the upcoming season. Jonathan also will give us a sample of his work as a pianist.