HA 2017 Summary
Hyaluronan 2017, the 11th International Conference on Hyaluronan, was a huge success.
The event was sponsored by ISHAS in conjunction with the Cleveland Clinic. It was held on June 11-15, 2017 at the conference center at the InterContinental Hotel, on the Cleveland Clinic campus in Cleveland, Ohio.
The conference honored the SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS OF RAIJA AND MARKKU TAMMI, for their discoveries on the pathological regulation of hyaluronan metabolism, especially pertaining to cancer development.
The Conference consisted of 10 sessions; view “Book of Abstracts” below.
A special Tribute was created for Endre A. Balasz, M.D. (Bandi). View on the Memorials page.
An excursion included a fun boat cruise on Lake Erie and down the Cuyahoga River.
Book of Abstracts (Members Only)
HA 2015 Summary
HA 2015 in Florence, Italy at the Hilton Florence Metropole
JUNE 7TH – 11TH 2015
Our 2015 Conference in Florence, Italy was a huge success with outstanding scientific sessions and enjoyable social programs for 250 participants from all over the world. The Organizing Committee for HA 2015 planned a program that included presentation and discussion of current state-of-the-art research advances in basic science, clinical and biotechnology of hyaluronan, as well as social events.
The meeting featured:
- Sessions with Plenary Speakers AND Short Talks selected from submitted abstracts
- Extended Poster Sessions
- Exhibits from the Biotech and Pharma sectors for latest products, publications, technology/software, and services
State-of-the-Art Research Technology Workshop targeted to Trainees and New Investigators
- Opening Reception, Excursions and Awards Banquet, with ample opportunities for informal networking
Interdisciplinary sessions covered a range of topics in Hyaluronan research:
- Structure, metabolism and physiology
- Development, differentiation and ageing
- Inflammation, connective tissue pathologies, cardiovascular disease and cancer
- Regenerative medicine, therapeutics and bioengineering
10th International Conference on Hyaluronan
Presented by the International Society for Hyaluronan Sciences (ISHAS)
The conference celebrated the research of Koji Kimata, PhD and Greg Frost PhD
Book of Abstracts (Members Only)
HA 2013 Summary
HA2013 (June 2-7, 2017) Oklahoma City, OK, USA
9th International Conference on Hyaluronan
An outstanding conference brought together scientists and clinicians, in academia and the private sector to meet and discuss the highly dynamic and diverse fields of hyaluronan sciences, including basic, clinical and applied research. 240 registrants from 22 countries participated in active poster sessions and attended scientific sessions with Plenary Speakers and short talks invited from submitted posters.
A dedication to the victims of the recent victims of tornados in Oklahoma followed by poignant appreciations of four leaders in our field: John Scott, John Sheehan, Bob Frasier and Dick Heinegard began our meeting.
The Conference celebrated the research contributions of Bryan P. Toole, and several of his former colleagues and trainees sent comments and photos to share.
The scientific sessions included recent developments in:
- Hyaluronan biosynthesis
- Tumor biology and treatment of tumors
- Functions of hyaluronan in cell and organ function, development, aging and differentiation
- Hyaluronan in regenerative medicine, and as medical and surgical devices
- Hyaluronan in cardiovascular, connective tissue and musculoskeletal systems
- Hyaluronan in neural tissues and stem/progenitor cell behavior
- Hyaluronan in inflammation, immunity and treatment of inflammatory diseases
- Emerging hot topics/future directions in the field
An evening Workshop on Characterizing Hyaluronan was well attended and was especially helpful to new investigators in the field of hyaluronan sciences.
The social events introduced us to Western Heritage in the USA – from the viewpoints of Native Americans and Cowboys.
Presented by the International Society for Hyaluronan Sciences (ISHAS)
The conference celebrated the research of Bryan P. Tool
Book of Abstracts (Members Only)
HA 2010 Summary
8th International Conference on Hyaluronan
Kyoto, Japan – June 6-11, 2010 Presented by the International Society for Hyaluronan Sciences (ISHAS) This conference was held in celebration of the research contributions of Vincent Hascall. Scientific Chairs/Conference Organizers- Koji Kimata
- Bryan Toole
- Masaki Yanagishita